What was the population of Germany in 1918? How many men were available for military service?
What was the population of Germany in 1939? How many men were available for military service?
What was the population of France in 1918? How many men were available for military service?
What was the population of France in 1939? How many men were available for military service?
Thank you.
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Dear Kenneth,
In 1914 France’s population was about 40,000,000, of whom 827,000 were under arms with a trained reserve of 1,325,000. Of Germany’s population of approximately 68,000,000, its regular forces totaled 761,000 and 1,180,000 stood in reserve. Both countries had about 5,000,000 other young men to be conscripted into service if necessary.
In 1939 France’s population still stood at 40,000,000 and it had mobilized 900,000 combatants. Nazi Germany’s population, swelled by its assimilation of Austria and the Sudetenland into its aegis, totaled some 80,600,000 and a total of 4,722,000 were in some form of Wehrmacht service.
Jon Guttman
Research Director
World History
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