A Guide to the Cotswold Way by Richard Sale. The Cotswold Way is a walking trail from Chipping Camdento Bath. Cotswold resident Sale discusses the features of the walk, shares the area’s history, and provides information helpful to foot-travellers in this pocket-size paperback with black -and-white photos, maps, and a helpful index. Crowood Press, distributed by Trafalgar Square, No. Pomfret, VT, 802-457-1911. 246 pages, $29.95.
Simon Jenkins has compiled England ‘s Thousand Best Churches, which includes 175 handsome colour photographs. Jenkins describes each of the churches in some detail, and maps help pinpoint locations. The photos include both full exteriors and close-up details and emphasize the wealth of variety in construction and decoration. Penguin UK, distributed by Trafalgar Square, No. Pomfret, VT, 802-457-1911. 704 pages, hardcover, $45.
The Good Gardens Guide 2000, edited by Peter King, is a perennial favourite of travelling gardeners. It offers assessments of more than 1,000 of the finest gardens in Britain, Ireland, and north-western Europe, organized geographically. Bloomsbury UK, distributed by Trafalgar Square, No. Pomfret, VT, 802-457-1911. 640 pages, paperback, $24.95.
The 19th edition of Staying Off the Beaten Track in England & Wales, edited by Jan Bowmer, describes moderately priced small hotels, inns, houses, and farms selected for their character, food, and hospitality. Each description is accompanied with a black-and-white drawing of the lodging, and there are also maps and notes on local history. Arrow, distributed by Trafalgar Square, No. Pomfret, VT, 802-457-1911. 354 pages, paperback, $15.95.
Country Inns and Selected Hotels in Britain and Ireland, edited by Alistair Hankey, covers “225 of the finest hotels in Great Britain and Ireland” and includes colour photos of the properties, along with a brief history of each, and details of amenities. There are also summaries of the attractions in each geographical area. Pelican Publishing Company, P.O. Box 3110, Gretna, LA 70054, 800-843-1724, 320 pages, paperback, $19.95.