To: Mrs. Elizabeth Chandler
October 28, 1862
Dear Madam,
I entreat your husband’s request to say he is near his last end. He told me he sent two letters but feared you never received them. He was very badly wounded in Maryland and we hoped for sometime he would recover, but God who does all things well seems to see that his work here is done. I think he is prepared for the change.
I had written this far when a Presbyterian minister called at my home after having been with your husband. He says he found him calm in the prospect of death, trusting in the Blessed Savior of sinners as his only hope. He has suffered severely.
Monday morning, October 27. Your husband died this morning at 7 o’clock. He desired to send all of his love to you. During the night he spoke as if his Father was coming for him. He was buried as well as we could possible have it done. His name was marked and he was put in a beautiful cemetery in our town. He had no money at all and no clothing. He had every comfort he possibly could have. He bore his suffering well. If you want me to do anything, I will do it with pleasure.
Ellen P. Heerls
Jefferson County, Virginia