Faced With Soggy C-Rations, Marines in Vietnam Began Their Own Invasion — Of an Army Chow Line by Bob Orkand9/12/20239/12/2023 This Major faced a choice when the Marines “infiltrated” the 1st Cav’s chow line.
Is This Vietnam Vet the Only Man to Earn Silver Stars as a Marine and as a Soldier? by Doug Sterner3/21/20224/4/2022
“Any Kind Of Writing Is Cathartic”: Why Former Naval Aviator Don Purdy Uses Poetry to Describe His War in Vietnam by Zita Ballinger Fletcher2/20/20223/2/2024
“I Could Feel Doom”: U.S. Marines and Australians Fought For Survival At Ngok Tavak in Vietnam by Dick Camp2/11/20222/13/2022
This USMC World War II Veteran Dedicated His Last Years to Painting Medal of Honor Recipients by Jon Guttman2/8/20222/7/2022