In a 1952 feature film, Ronald Reagan starred as this renowned right-handed pitcher known as “Old Pete” who pitched 90 shutouts in a career spanning from 1911 to 1930.
- Grover Cleveland Alexander
- Jim Bagby
- Joe McGinnity
- Joe Wood
In a 1952 feature film, Ronald Reagan starred as this renowned right-handed pitcher known as “Old Pete” who pitched 90 shutouts in a career spanning from 1911 to 1930.
Grover Cleveland Alexander who pitched for the Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs, and St. Louis Cardinals. He missed the 1918 season fighting in World War I. Because of his military service, he became deaf in one ear and developed epilepsy. All of this led to alcoholism. He continued to pitch with mixed results. Doris Day costarred as his wife in the movie, “The Winning Team.”
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