Four American presidents have been assassinated while in office-Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John Kennedy. Of the four widows, this many attended her husband’s state funeral.
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Four American presidents have been assassinated while in office-Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John Kennedy. Of the four widows, this many attended her husband’s state funeral.
One. The youngest, Jacqueline Kennedy who planned it. With the knowledge that Kennedy’s would be the first of the four funerals to be televised, Jacqueline bravely led the nation in grief. Mary Lincoln was too emotionally unstable to attend her husband’s funeral. Lucretia Garfield planned her husband’s funeral but was exhausted from her four month vigil by his bedside from when he was shot until he died. Ida McKinley was physically fragile and angered to have no say in her husband’s funeral.