This city was once known as Philadelphia.
- Beirut
- Istanbul
- Ankara
- Baghdad
- Amman
The capital city of Jordan, Amman was known as Philadelphia (in honor of Ptolemy II Philadelphus) when it was taken over and enlarged by the Hellenistic rulers of Egypt in 300 B.C. and later the Romans in 30 B.C. The site of the city is believed to have been inhabited as early as 3500 B.C. By 1300 B.C. it had become the leading city of the Ammonites, an ancient Semitic people who lived east of the Jordan River, and was known as Rabbath Ammon. The city of Alasehir, Turkey is also situated on the site of another ancient city, founded in 150 B.C. and named Philadelphia after Attalus II Philadelphus, King of Pergamum.