Eleanor Roosevelt suggested that this person should be added to the four faces of Mount Rushmore.
- Abigail Adams
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- Benjamin Franklin
- Frederick Douglass
- Susan B. Anthony
Eleanor Roosevelt suggested that this person should be added to the four faces of Mount Rushmore.
Eleanor Roosevelt suggested that Susan B. Anthony should be added to the four faces of Mount Rushmore. When South Dakota officials invited Gutzon Borglum to design a sculpture on the face of the Black Hills, he declared, "American history shall march along that skyline.? Eleanor Roosevelt later suggested that social reformer and woman suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony should be included with the images of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt, but her suggestion was not accepted. Work on Mount Rushmore began in 1927 and was completed in 1941. Anthony, born in Adams, Massachusetts, on February 15, 1820, was an abolitionist and advocate of black suffrage as well as the rights of women to vote. She died on March 13, 1906.