East Front Campaign CD I, Windows 95 CD-ROM, $34.95.
East Front Campaign CD I is Talonsoft’s expansion of their World War II platoon-level simulation (the original East Front is required to play). It expands the scope of the game to include pre-1941 conflicts, such as the invasion of Poland and the Russo-Finnish War. New combatants are introduced, including Poland, Hungary, Finland, Slovakia, Italy and Romania. Additional scenarios and campaigns are also included. Campaign CD I also has an update to the main program.
These additions definitely improve game play and expand the already vast possibil-ities the game offers. Also useful is a manual with rules, instructions on navigating the interface, tactical notes and a thorough unit date listing for all forces on both the new Campaign CD I and the original East Front. It also contains a scenario list with factors such as the date of the battle, complexity rating and number of turns.
East Front by itself is one of the most challenging, flexible and detailed simulations of World War IIera warfare, and Campaign CD I, especially the manual, makes it a complete package that is a must-have for any armchair general.
Michael Breen