The Vietnam War 1945-1975
New-York Historical Society
170 Central Park West
D Giles Ltd.
October 4, 2017-April 22, 2018
The Vietnam War is about to make headlines again. In September, PBS debuts an18-hour account of that conflict, explicated further in an expansive illustrated coffee-table volume by documentarians Ken Burns and Geoffrey Ward. Early in 2018, Norton will publish a historian Max Boot’s biography of Edward Lansdale, a seminal figure in the American engagement in Vietnam. And visitors to Manhattan October 4-April 22 will have access to an intimate view into this still-resonant conflict, as the New-York Historical Society mounts an exhibition on the war’s roots, bloody arc, and impact on the city and the country. A compact and informative 96-page booklet of essays and images accompanies. ( —Michael Dolan