History and Heroes of New Hampshire Aviation, by Jean Batchelder, Arrow Publishing Co., Spring Hill, Fla., 1995, $16 paperback
Jean Batchelder is a racing and business pilot who is active with the Ninety-Nines, the international organization for women pilots, and many other flying groups. She has put together a delightful tribute to the aviation pioneers of her state. Her dual purpose was to recognize natives and residents of New Hampshire for their accomplishments and to inspire young people to enter the field of aviation. The result is History and Heroes of New Hampshire Aviation, a 53-page collection of biographies of the men and women who, the author states, were “first to fly the Atlantic, first into space, and left their footprints on the moon.”
The reader will find several familiar names and faces—and many not so familiar—that add to our knowledge of those people from the Granite State who helped shape the growth of aviation for us all.