The Unexpected President: The Life and Times of Chester A. Arthur
Written by Scott S. Greenberger
Read by Paul Heitsch, with the recording produced by Tantor Audio
Reviewed by Ryan Paul Winn
Scott S. Greenberger reveals Chester Arthur to have been more than a presidential placeholder. When an assassin made him America’s twenty-first chief executive, Arthur shockingly eschewed machine politics, instead embodying the best aspects of America’s highest office. Reader Paul Heitsch animates correspondence and recollection, lending immediacy to Greenberger’s admirable chronicle of an oft-overlooked presidency.
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Ryan Paul Winn is a columnist and media critic who’s rarely without an audiobook or his earbuds. When not writing or teaching in the Liberal Studies department at College of Menominee Nation in Keshena, Wisconsin, he can be found researching overlooked history in local and national archives.