What is Vietnam magazine?

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Vietnammag.com is brought to you by the World History Group, the world’s largest publisher of history magazines. HistoryNet.com contains daily features, photo galleries and more than 1,200 articles originally published in our various magazines. If you are interested in a specific subject, try searching our archives—you are bound to find something to pique your interest.

About Vietnam magazine
Vietnam magazine presents the full and true stories from American’s most controversial and divisive war. Vietnam is the only magazine exclusively devoted to telling the full story behind America’s most controversial war, with gripping firsthand accounts and carefully researched articles by veterans, historians, journalists and top military historians. Each issue provides a lively mix of feature stories and photographs of the battles, the men who fought them, and the serious questions involved. Regular departments cover weaponry, personal first-hand recollections, thought-provoking interviews, and reviews of books and other media.

 "The goal we here at Vietnam magazine have set for ourselves
is to find the key to unlock the enigma of Vietnam."

–Col. Harry G. Summers Jr., 1988
Founding Editor of Vietnam magazine