Book Review: Shook Over Hell: Post-Traumatic Stress, Vietnam, and the Civil War (Eric T. Dean, Jr.) : CWT by HistoryNet Staff8/12/20018/10/2016
Book Review: We Were Innocents (by William D. Dannenmaier) : MH by HistoryNet Staff8/12/20018/10/2016
Book Review: The 9th Engineer Battalion, First Marine Division, in Vietnam: 35 Personal Accounts (by Jean Shellenbarger) : VN by HistoryNet Staff8/12/20018/11/2016
Book Review: Incoming (Volume 1, Issue III) (edited by Barbara M. Whitemarsh) : VN by HistoryNet Staff8/12/20018/11/2016
Book Review: Kontum Diary: Captured Writings Bring Peace to a Vietnam Veteran (Paul Reed and Ted Schwarz) : VN by HistoryNet Staff8/12/200111/8/2019
Book Review: Strong Hearts and Wounded Souls / Native American Veterans and the Vietnam War by HistoryNet Staff8/12/20014/2/2024