Historic Cemetery, 2216 Long Ridge Rd.: Thirteen African American veterans of the Civil War are interred in the Cuffeytown Historic Cemetery. They served in the 5th, 10th, and 36th USCT infantry regiments organized in 1863 and 1864. The 5th USCT, organized in Ohio in August 1863, fought in North Carolina as well as in the Virginia battles of the Crater at Petersburg, Chaffin’s Farm, and Fair Oaks. The 10th USCT was organized in Virginia in November 1863 and fought in 1864 at the Battle of Wilson’s Wharf. The 36th USCT, organized from the 2nd North Carolina Colored Infantry in February 1864, fought at the Battle of Chaffin’s Farm, the Appomattox Campaign, and in North Carolina. The 5th USCT was demobilized in North Carolina in September 1865, while the 10th and 36th USCT were ordered to Texas after the war and mustered out there in 1866. (Melissa A. Winn)