F. SCOTT FITZGERALD ON AUTHORSHIP , edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli with Judith S. Baughman (University of South Carolina Press, 203 pages, $29.95).
Bruccoli and Baughman have assembled letters, book reviews, articles, and notes authored by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) in order to construct an account of his career and demonstrate that the famed author was not an irresponsible writer who sold out his great talent for money, but rather that he was a literary artist who cared deeply about his obligations to his craft [see November/December 1996 issue]. The Centenary Exhibition–the catalog that accompanied the 1996 University of South Carolina’s Fitzgerald anniversary exhibition–commemorates the one hundred years since Fitzgerald’s birth through a collection of letters, manuscript drafts, memorabilia, and two hundred photographs gathered from the Matthew J. and Arlyn Bruccoli Collection at the university’s Thomas Cooper Library.