Custer Catastrophe at the Little Big Horn 1876, compiled and introduced by Richard Upton, Upton and Sons, El Segundo, Calif., 2012, $55
Volume 11 in the fine Battle of the Little Big Horn series also has a long subtitle: Early Rare Accounts and Publications by Early Writers That Form the Basis for Much of the Current Books and Programs of Today. Buffs of the most written-about Indian wars catastrophe will delight in seeing all in one volume nine scarce publications, now in nine chapters—“Major Reno Vindicated,” by Colonel William A. Graham; “General George A. Custer and the Battle of the Little Big Horn,” by General Edward S. Godfrey; “General Custer’s Last Fight as Seen by Two Moons,” by Hamlin Garland; “Custer’s Last Battle,” by Captain Charles King; “The Custer Fight,” by Fred Dustin; “A Story of the Custer Massacre,” by Jacob Adams; “General George A. Custer: A Lost Trail and the Gall Saga,” by Charles Kuhlman; “Last Summer’s Expedition Against the Sioux and Its Great Catastrophe,” by General John Gibbon; and “Hunting Sitting Bull,” also by Gibbon. In case you missed it, Volume 10 in the series was Where the Custer Fight Began: Undermanned and Overwhelmed, the Reno Valley Fight, by Donald W. Moore (who acknowledges a big assist from collector Glen Swanson).