The Moralist: Woodrow Wilson and the World He Made
By Patricia O’Toole
Read by Fred Sanders, with the recording produced by Simon and Schuster Audio and Blackstone Audio.
Reviewed by Ryan Paul Winn
Patricia O’Toole compellingly explains how a moralizing outlook drove Woodrow Wilson’s presidency. While his soaring oratory lifted the Entente during World War I, after the armistice Wilson’s corollary intransigence stymied politics at home. Reader Fred Sanders animates the Wilsonian Era’s vernacular, enhancing O’Toole’s fascinating portrait of an American leader who tried to remake the world in his rigid image.
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Ryan Paul Winn is a columnist and media critic who’s rarely without an audiobook or his earbuds. When not writing or teaching in the Liberal Studies department at College of Menominee Nation in Keshena, Wisconsin, he can be found researching overlooked history in local and national archives.